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Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip
03-26-2007, 03:11 PM, (This post was last modified: 03-26-2007, 03:23 PM by Rupa S.)
Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip

Catalina Island (Channel Islands) is one hour ferry ride from Long Beach, CA. A dive buddy and myself will be at Catalina Island on 28th May for a boat dive, a night dive and shore diving on 29th May.  8) It is a good time of the year to dive there. We are looking another diver (or two) to dive with as we are looking to grow our group to 4 people so its a bit more fun. If anybody is in Los Angles area at that time or interested in flying out and joining us (red eye flights right now are less than $250), let me know. Acco if shared is reasonable too - this trip would require one night stay on Catalina and 2 nights on Long Beach. I have already made my flight and hotel bookings. My buddy will make his this Sunday. We will book our dive package after that. The shore diving is just $26 Smile and one of the best, I read. Night dive can be shore or boat. Boat dive would be $110 for 2/3 tank diving. Here is the weblink for dive shop (scroll down):

If interested in teaming - please e-mail or call me at 513-532-3720.

04-22-2007, 06:43 PM,
Re: Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip

I went out with Scuba Luv 5 or six years ago.  They are a pretty nice outfit.  I didn't stay on Catalina when I dove there, but I wished I had, the  hour long drive to Long Beach, then the 1 hr ferry, then rushing to get to the boat, then taking the last ferry off the island at 7pm made for a couple of VERY long days.

I LOVE diving the Channel Islands.  The Garibaldi are eye popping gold colors, and if you are lucky you'll get harbor seals playing around in the kelp.

Water temps are probably in the high 50's to low 60's.  Everyone envied me in my drysuit!

04-22-2007, 07:30 PM,
Re: Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip
Good god ! So you're saying we would need dry suit in May ..... my buddy will have a tough time then....

We are planning on taking boat one day and shore for night and next day....

I'll check some more abt temperatures -
04-22-2007, 07:33 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-22-2007, 07:43 PM by jleech.)
Re: Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip

I could be off on the water temperatures, but the California Current is a cold one! 

It may be warmer off Casino Point due to it being protected.

I did a little research, and you're probably looking at low 60's to mid 60's for temps.  Chilly, but OK for 5-7mm and hood/gloves.

Current surface temperature is 57 degrees off Catalina.

04-23-2007, 07:09 AM,
Re: Catalina Island, CA Mini Trip
I've dove it in both a wetsit and a drysuit. A wetsuit is more than do-able, but a drysuit will extend your bottom times, and total number of dives, quite a bit. If you own one I say bring it, if you don't just wear a thick wetsuit and you'll still enjoy it.  8)

Since your staying on Catalina you should talk to the harbour master about diving on the Prince Valient. It's a fairly short swim off of Casino point and the largest wreck around there. I also remember diving the Sojac when she was still intact, but that was years ago and now she's been reduced to rubble. Still. its something to look at if your diving inside the park.

Have fun.

"Ignorance begets confidence more often than does knowledge." -Charles Darwin

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