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Sturgeon Lake...
08-09-2009, 08:14 PM,
Sturgeon Lake...
I just did a dive on Sturgeon Lake. I had to go to this family reunion deal up there, so I brought my gear and snuck out for a bit. The vis was only about 5' and there is no structure to speak of. I dove on the steepest contour I could find on the lake map and that was 30' vertical drop in 100 horizontal feet (hardly a wall dive). But I had the metal detector, I had fun and that is all that matters. I found a 20 lb navy type anchor (vinyl coated), an earing (hoop style), a daredevil lure (very rusty), and a .22 caliber bullet (just the lead with rifling marks and no deformity to the lead). I found more than my share of beer cans also. The Family is just starting to come to terms with my theory... that blood is not thicker than water. When it comes to diving, the extended part of the family comes right after diving...
08-10-2009, 11:40 AM,
Re: Sturgeon Lake...
Hey, some more good finds.  I've only had my detector out one time this year so far.  Need to start putting my foot down more on the extended family trips (and begging for time to get out  ;D ). 
08-09-2010, 07:29 AM,
Re: Sturgeon Lake...
I went to Sturgeon lake again yesterday and got in a couple shallow dives. I dove on this rock pile that had boulders about 55 gallon drum size and smaller. I thought the anchors would be cluttered on it but all I found was home made anchors. One was a starter, one was a flywheel from a diesel, and one was just a big piece of cast iron. Viz was poor at 5' and I did not find much. I saw a few fish and a crayfish condominium in a clay bottom area near there. I would not really reccomend this as a "good" diving lake but it is liquid and it got me away from the relatives for a while.

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