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best transportation cozumel
05-07-2008, 09:11 AM,
Re: best transportation cozumel

Inquiring minds??????  I posted on spearboard and there are a few marine biologists I know there. I figured they would have the answer. Mysid Shrimp. ( ;D they're to sexy for their shirt  ;D)

juv lobster are released into the offshore currents...spend 6-9 months there..and then settle back into the nearshore habitats.

highly unlikely they are juvi lobster
05-07-2008, 11:26 AM,
Re: best transportation cozumel
Nice Photo. I think they look like brine shrimp when you zoom in on them. Maybe not though.
06-16-2008, 07:11 PM,
Re: best transportation cozumel
couple videos of our trip


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