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Question of the day.
02-25-2006, 08:24 PM,
Question of the day.
Question for the day.
What are the three  most important things in a search pattern, take your time and think very carefully.this is for  those of you who want answer.
02-26-2006, 12:28 PM,
Re: Question of the day.
Question of the day.
If you left your boat on shore one night and the next morning it was gone, it blew a way over night, this was on lake rotten bottom.
the lake is very large and you can not see across it, what deptment would you call for help? dept.
B.police dept .
C. sheriffs office.
D. weather dept.
and why would you call them?
02-26-2006, 01:33 PM,
Re: Question of the day.
I'm guessing you'd call the sheriff's office because not only would you want your boat back but also if it's afloat on it's own it would be a safety hazaard to others on the lake.  I'm assuming a nice fine would be expected too.
02-26-2006, 07:51 PM,
Re: Question of the day.
Think outside the box.
weather dept,  what time did the wind start, what direction did blow, did it change direction during the night.  Just by doing that you can  cut you search area by almost 2/3.

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