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Wazee is open!
03-30-2007, 02:26 PM,
Wazee is open!
I was just informed that Lake Wazee is ice free! ;D  Let's go.
__________________________________________<br />There are very few problems that cannot be solved through the generous application of high explosives.
04-02-2007, 10:46 AM,
Re: Wazee is open!
We dove Wazee on Sunday, Site 2.  41 degrees F at surface and 38 degrees at 100 feet.  Sun was completely obstructed by clouds but I could see the surface from ~45 feet deep.  Not fantastic visibility like years ago, but pretty good nonetheless.  I think the lake is changing chemically and biologically so the incredible visibility we used to have in the early 1990's is probably not coming back.  Even though, still a great place to dive. 

Water is painfully cold on the face for the first few minutes.

I was told the Ice broke up last Tuesday (March 27).

__________________________________________<br />There are very few problems that cannot be solved through the generous application of high explosives.

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