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Most Memorable Dive(s)?
09-30-2006, 02:55 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
I'd have to say the most memorable was the very first dive I did, a resort dive in Cozumel with my daughters....opened up a whole new world to me, one which never stops being fascinating.

After that there are so many others, including diving the Ely, which while in no way is technically difficult, is great as it is a 110 year old wreck of a wooden ship; diving many reefs in Belize; and so on and so on....
09-30-2006, 04:44 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
For me..most definitely Walekers Cay Shark Rodeo...What an experience...sharkd diving is great, but with 75 plus reef and bull sharks starts as a dive that takes a little gumption to get into, turns into a symphony underwater...this dive is unreal and i hope that the new owners are continuing to provide this dive....i hope you all get a chance to dive this now that it has been rebuilt.......there is nothing else like it in the world
Oops Did I really say that?????
09-30-2006, 06:26 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
Mine would have to be my first deep dive, in Louise actually.  The first time seing the bottom of that lake at around 100'.  And my first experience being narked, it was a crazy feeling, I thought that the bottom was a thermocline and I tried to go through it.  Needless to say, I've be doing more deep dives Smile

Although, since then I've been using nitrox hahaha.

10-01-2006, 07:55 AM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
I would have to say my most memorable dive was on the "America" on Isle Royale.  She's the most intact wreck I've been on to date.  The "Cox" was once a beautiful ship in her day, and although impressive in size, she's pretty wrecked up!

If this were a post of what year was your best diving, it would most certainly be 2006.  We've had nothing but warm warm water this summer in Lake Superior.  It's been a great summer!
10-02-2006, 08:35 AM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
The Duane was one of my first wreck dives.  It was really cool since we came down on the bow, and as we swam toward the rear of the boat the super structure just emerged from the rather poor vis.  With the little bit of narcosis I had it just seemed really impressive.

The Emperor Stern was so impressive because it was one of the first times I dove something on Helium that I previously didn't.  There is just so much to see on that wreck.  I really liked going down and checking out the rudder and what remained of the prop.  You really got a sense for how massive this ship was.

What about you Mark Y
11-21-2006, 03:29 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
My first dive to 200' in Lake Wazee.
11-22-2006, 11:17 AM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
The one that sticks in my mind is My first time on Maderia...  Freeflow at 80 feet.  Next it would be my first  dive with daughter
11-23-2006, 12:35 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
This is going to seem lame in light of some of the dives listed here but my best ever... My discover scuba pool dive. They gave me the basics and let me loose in the pool and I didn't have to come up for air for 45 minutes! I could have been on the moon or 1000fsw and wouldn't have know the difference.  I've since had other awesome dives but nothing holds a candle to that first inhale.

Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you.
12-10-2006, 06:16 PM,
Re: Most Memorable Dive(s)?
Mine would have to be the engine room in the Wilson.  Even beats the Isle Royal stuff but not by much.


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