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Who's Planning on Doing AOW This Summer?
05-29-2002, 06:26 PM,
Re: Who's Planning on Doing AOW This Summer?
No, there's no requirement on the number of dives you need to take AOW from PADI; you do need to be an open water diver though.<br><br>I took my AOW one week after getting my open water cert up in Lake Superior and it was great.  Not only did my instructor give me a confined water dry suit dive class before AOW, but I got to do my first deep dive under supervison and the whole experience was incredible.  I feel that early AOW worked well for me.  Some people like to wait until they've dove a while.<br><br>I'm a PADI instructor now so if you have any standards questions, feel free to ask and I'll look 'em for you  Tongue<br><br>Ciao,<br><br>

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