Sony Freediver Open Comp. at Cypris - Printable Version

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Sony Freediver Open Comp. at Cypris - freedivernd - 05-01-2003

Here's some interesting reads about a world freediving competition that is going on. Give a read to the 1st two pages anyway (it was slow loading but the text will be loaded if you hit your stop button). Jasonb, was it you that asked me where I was in my depths compared to the elite when I had the tape measure strung out? Here's where. I've been about this deep:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :Smile
I think freediveWI (Jon) has been about this deep:
and they go about this deep:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> :o

Re:Sony Freediver Open Comp. at Cypris - igotoofar - 05-01-2003

What a DEEP Subject 8)