AGA Full face mask - Printable Version

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AGA Full face mask - rudolph_medic - 02-15-2003

I just recently bought an Interspiro AGA full faced mask and was wondering if I should attend a full face mask class, or should I just take it out to the pool and train myself with it under controled conditions?

Re:AGA Full face mask - FMT - 02-15-2003

I'm not sure of anyone offering an FFM class in the area.
At the least you should talk to as many FFM divers as you can and learn about the difficulties and differences and take that into account when you go to the pool to practice.
Was there a reason you decided on a FFM?

Re:AGA Full face mask - chrisw - 02-16-2003

Scuba Center offers a class in full face masks...

Re:AGA Full face mask - rudolph_medic - 02-16-2003

I decided to get a FFM because I want to get into Public Safety diving in my area. Also- I want to also get into ice diving, and heard that a FFM keeps your face warm. ;D

Re:AGA Full face mask - jmsdiver - 03-11-2003

FFM's are great at keeping your face warm in cool water. Furthermore, they offer a wide view of wherever you are (almost 180 degrees), can handle eye glasses (frames), multiple gas mixtures with the right kind of valve/switch, and communications support.

You should either take a class or find someone that is experienced in utilizing them to get yourself familiar with FFM diving. Things you'll want to consider are:
  • Can you ditch the FFM and switch to an alternate supply of gas (remember the FFM has an integrated regulator, you need to know how to resolve the contingency of a free flow or failed regulator)?
  • Do you have a way to carry an extra mask (remember that the mask in integrated in the FFM)?
  • Comfort level with the FFM (take it easy for several dives as it is a different experience)
  • Bouyancy characteristics (the FFM may change your bouyancy slightly and you may need to add a couple of pounds to your belt).
  • How do you supply your buddy with air in an out of air situation? How does your buddy supply you air in an out of air situation?

I'm sure that there are other considerations, but that is all that I can think of at 4 in the morning.


Re:AGA Full face mask - JoelW - 03-11-2003

When I have considered FFMs, the one that I think I would go with is the Kirby Morgan Super-48.

The reg section is removable and replaceable. I almost has the advantages of not having an FFM while having an FFM.
