NEW TRIP! Nekton Pilot-Cay Sal Banks - Printable Version

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NEW TRIP! Nekton Pilot-Cay Sal Banks - airdownthere - 01-24-2003

Air Down There SCUBA will be hosting a group aboard the Nekton Pilot August 16 - 23, 2003. This is CORAL SPAWNING WEEK! Situated just 30 miles north of CUBA, Cay Sal Bank is the most remote area of the Bahamas. With one of the highest concentrations of Blue Holes in the world and spectacular walls, Cal Sal offers fantasic snorkeling and exotic diving. The trip includes 6 days and 7 nights aboard the vessel. Tanks, weights and unlimited free air fills on dives days, all meals and snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, airport transfers and free use of kayaks and remote island day trips. Interested persons may call the store at 651-482-0977 Mon - Fri 10 am-8pm and Sat. 10 am-5 pm.