Mosquito computers - Printable Version

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Mosquito computers - tbrown - 03-13-2003

I was going to ask this on the watch thread, but thought it might be best to start one seperate to avoid confusion. To those that own the mosquito, how well does it hold up to day-to-day use? I've had a saleman say "Wears like iron", but I'm a little scared about scratching up a nice peice of gear. Also does anyone use a Dive-Rite NitecC and do they compare?

Re:Mosquito computers - Chris - 03-13-2003

If it's the display you're worried about, here's a tip:

Go to Target or somewhere like that and pick up some of those scratch protectors for PDA's (Palms, etc). Cut it to size and place it on the Mosquito face. Works like a charm, and it comes off without mucking up the face. There's enough in one of those little packages for a few backups... Once you've done one, you can use it as a template for the others you cut. It's a little big for a daily watch, but doesn't look bad. I used mine that way for a couple weeks... kinda fun going through your dives while sitting in a meeting (helps keep you awake).

Re:Mosquito computers - Inspirationdiver - 03-13-2003

It is plastic, so it won't hold up quite as well as the Stinger, which is stainless steel. My Mosquito came with a display protector that also provided some magnification. The Stinger is also about twice as expensive as the Mosquito and a lot heavier to wear.

Re:Mosquito computers - Chris - 03-13-2003

I threw the protector it came with away... Always seemed to have an air pocket in it while I was diving and got annoying. Also, I removed the factory wrist band and replaced it with, you guessed it, Bungee!

Re:Mosquito computers - freedivernd - 03-13-2003

good idea to throw that protector away.. the only scratch on my mosquito came from grains of sand and/or muck that got under the protector.