Newbie seeks weekly diving date - Printable Version

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Newbie seeks weekly diving date - Clifonef - 04-14-2007

I have the flexibility in my work schedule that I can take off Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday.  I would like to plan on using all or part of one of those days for diving.  Please let me know if this would work for anyone.

Clif Brittain
St. Paul
612 414 7397 (cell)

Re: Newbie seeks weekly diving date - krobideau - 04-29-2007

  Are you interested in some of the Fun Dives offered to Sq, Phalen, Perch, etc?  or are you looking for dives during the day somewhere.  Just got my cert last year and am looking to get in a dozen dives this summer at least.

Kevin Robideau