What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - Printable Version

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What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - decoeric - 05-16-2005

I thought this would be fun, I am sure it has been done before, but I wanted to try the Poll thing...

Thanks for voting.


Re: What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - ghosch - 05-17-2005

You forgot Isle Royale, so I had to pick "other."

Re: What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - decoeric - 05-17-2005

I thought about that, but it isn't easy to get to. I was thinking more along the lines of pack the car and go...

But good call..


Re: What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - scubadog76 - 05-18-2005

When I think of local, I think less than a 45 min.  drive.  Lake Calhoun is really pretty descent for "city" diving.  I havn't been hassled by Cleetis or Gomer from the park police in a long time either.  There are spots on the northwest side of the lake that resemble a mini-Crosby pit with it's drops and ledges.  On a good day, you'll have 20 feet of vis.  Make sure you have a flag because they will write tickets for just about anything.  Diving is allowed but swimming out of a swim area is not.  If you don't have a flag your swimming. :-\

Re: What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - jeffpaz - 05-18-2005

Do you need some type of park permit to dive Calhoun?

Re: What is your Favorite Local Dive site? - scubadog76 - 05-18-2005

You used to.  There was a big fiasco last year where we got tickets but they wiped them out them out.  The minneapolis park board runs the show out there and they stopped requiring permits.  They did not realize that the minneapolis police had an actual ordinance drawn up to enforce this.  A classic case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing.  Somewhere on this site there is a "get out of jail free" pass from the park board you can download and take with you in case you get hassled by the man.  I've dove there 5 or 6 times this year with no probs.