A Dive Rescuers Prayer - Printable Version

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A Dive Rescuers Prayer - MNLakeDiver - 04-06-2005

A Dive Rescuers Prayer

When I'm called for duty God
to dive beneath the waves.
To search for an unfortunate soul
whose body they have claimed.

Let swiftness be my virtue
to find that soul in time.
Please let this be a rescue lord
and not the other "kind"

Be my eyes in the darkest lake
and guide me with your hand
that this person may be saved
when we return to land.

If this is not your will Lord
then please show me the way
to sort out this sad mystery
and to dive another day.

If things become the darkest Lord
and it's I that you call home
please guide my friends and family
that they'll never walk alone.

by Kris D. Andrews

Volunteer Dive Rescue Specialist,
American Dive Rescue Team, Bristol, Pennsylvania.


Re: A Dive Rescuers Prayer - MAXFACTOR - 03-01-2006

What a beautiful prayer.    Has anyone got any others.