my favorite duck joke. - Printable Version

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my favorite duck joke. - scubadog76 - 01-28-2004

A duck walks into a bar and asks the bartender "do you have any grapes"? the bartender says " no this is a bar". The duck leaves. The next day the same duck walks into the bar and says to the same bartender, "do have any grapes"? The bartender, a little puzzled replies "no we don't" and the duck leaves. The third day the duck returns to the bar and asks the bartender, "do you have any grapes"? The bartender very irritated, screams at the duck "no and if you ask me again I'm gonna nail your feet to the floor". The duck leaves. The next day the duck comes back and asks the bartender, "do you have any nails"? The bartender curiously replies "no". (duck) "Then do have any grapes"?