Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - Printable Version

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Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - Mark Y - 06-14-2004

You mean they'd actually welcome a bunch of dry-suit undergarment smelling / weedy neoprene smelling divers? ;D

See you in Maynard's parking lot between 7:30 - 8:00 AM.

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - MNLakeDiver - 06-14-2004

wouldn't everybody 8)
see ya there

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - igotoofar - 06-15-2004

This was on the news this morning! FOX9 and MA were with some Scuba divers from the Frogmen. They found lots of stuff in the Bay they were at.

:'( No plugs for :'(

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - Mark Y - 06-15-2004

Does anyone know if 'garbage bags' are being provided?

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - jasondbaker - 06-15-2004

Yes. Although hopefully they can get their hands on some mesh bags -- much easier to use.

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - LKunze - 06-15-2004

Last year they provided large mesh potato sacks which worked pretty good.

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - MNLakeDiver - 06-15-2004

Im bringing my own mesh bag just incase

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - Minnetonka - 06-16-2004

We will have mesh bags for trash. The same as last year. Waste Management will be providing trash removal. ;D

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - waterpanda - 06-16-2004

My curiousity has gotten the better of me...
What is Lake Minnetonka like for viz? What kind of a bottom does it have? Any interesting "things" down there?

Re:Lake Minnetonka Clean-up Dive June 19th!!! - jasondbaker - 06-16-2004

I have encountered 5-15ft vis in past years. It depends on the location and weather conditions -- not much different than Square, Perch or other local lakes. We found plenty of interesting objects last year.