Which tank to use? - Printable Version

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Re: Which tank to use? - MNLakeDiver - 03-29-2005

it also depends on the divers build.
with a steel 95 I still have 10# of ditchable weight.  there are too many variables to say which is better for you with out knowing alot about you and your diving

Re: Which tank to use? - beeger - 03-30-2005

Lonnie makes an important point that should not be forgotten. If you are using a thick wetsuit you might very well want to stick with aluminum tanks. Do the math: you can easily calculate the rate of compression, and therefore buoyancy loss, on a foam neoprene wetsuit (or dry suit for that matter ... but at least these provide redundant lift). The change is dramatic. Diving steel tanks, especially the heavier ones, needs to be thought out very carefully if you are wearing a heavy wetsuit. The deeper you go the more this becomes an issue.

Re: Which tank to use? - jasondbaker - 03-31-2005

Whatever you end up doing buy at least 2 tanks.  You simply can't dive effectively with a buddy if you only have one tank.  Well, okay you could do a couple dives at Square with only one tank. But if you go to Wazee or Superior you will be hurting.

If you are looking to go on dive weekends where you camp/hotel/dive then I think 4 tanks is the optimal number.